> Ludwig, I am wondering;
> My Document Class is KOMA-Script Article like yours.
> In Class Options - Custom I have these entries:
> paper=A4,fontsize=11pt,idxtotoc,listof=totoc,refpage,prefix=a (this last 
> entry is for Indexing and of no relevance for a nomenclature)
> and that works just fine.
> In > Preferences  > Language Settings > Language you may try 
> Active/Deactivate the 'Set languages globally' and see if that brings a 
> change.
> In my preamble there is not a single line that has to do with 
> nomenclature (and I think there is no need for it).
> BTW, I am using four different languages in my document
> Michael


I created a new minimal document with the settings you described
but it's still not working. I really don't know what I'm getting wrong here.
Could you perhaps provide a very basic working example?


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