> On Apr 20, 2016, at 5:51 PM, Anders Host-Madsen <ahostmad...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hal Kierstead <hal.kierstead <at> me.com> writes:
>> Please post the final version.
>> Thanks,
>> Hal
> I wrote a step by step procedure (ironically, in MS Word! I just
> find it easier to copy the screen shots into Word) for the
> non-techies -- mainly so I can myself repeat the procedure
> when I install a new version of LyX or get a new computer.
> I don't know how to attach with the gmane interface, but here is a link
> if anyone is interested. I could also perhaps post on a Wiki?
> https://www.sugarsync.com/pf/D6910206_06659227_6503710
Many thanks,

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