Am 13.04.2016 um 23:55 schrieb Anders Host-Madsen <>:
> Paul A. Rubin <rubin <at>> writes:
>> Is marked executable by all users, not just yourself. I don't
>> know whether LyX runs the script with you as the user or with LyX as the 
>> user.
> It should be. Here is ls -l
> -rwxrwxrwx@ 1 madsen  admin     20 Apr 12 14:11
>> Also, does the script specify a command interpreter with a hash-bang comment
>> at the top? In other words, when you successfully run it outside LyX, do you
>> do so with "./", or do you specify a command interpreter (e.g,
>> "bash ./"?
> Yes. Here is the script (at the moment I'm just trying to make the script run,
> so it doesn't do anything yet):
> #!/bin/bash
> cp $1 $2
> Perhaps it's some security issue on Mac that prevents it from running?
> Anyway, now that I know there is a message pane, I figured out exactly
> where it goes wrong with the command-sequence. The issue is with copying
> figures. Sometimes they don't copy, and pdflatex fails. If I have a
> long LyX document, but without figures, the command-sequence seems
> to always work, producing a latex and pdf file.

This is working for me:

1. Create a script in "$HOME"/bin named
1a) mkdir -p "$HOME"/bin
1b) vi "$HOME"/bin/
exec >> "$HOME"/bin/iPadConvert.log
echo $(date)":" "$0" "$@"
filename=$(basename "$1" .tex)
if [ -d "$2" ]; then 
elif [ -f "$2" ]; then
   targetdir=$(dirname "$2")
   if [ ! -d "$2" ]; then
      echo Bad call with target "$2"
      exit 1
echo pwd=$(pwd) filename="$filename"
echo pdflatex "$1" "$targetdir"/"$filename".pdf 
pdflatex "$1" && test -f "$filename".pdf && cp "$filename".pdf "$targetdir"/
echo cp "$1" "$targetdir"/"$filename".tex
cp "$1" "$targetdir"/"$filename".tex
1c) chmod +x "$HOME"/bin/

2. Add $HOME/bin to PATH settings of LyX (at end with colon separator)
=> Preferences => Path

3. Add file format and converter
\format "ipad" "" "iPad" "" "auto" "" "" „"
\converter "pdflatex" "ipad" " $$i $$r" ""

4. Export to iPad
=> "$HOME"/bin/iPadConvert.log contains e.g.
Fri Apr 15 09:00:41 CEST 2016: /Users/stephan/bin/ newfile4.tex 
pdflatex newfile4.tex /Users/stephan/Documents//newfile4.pdf
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.16 (TeX Live 2015) (preloaded 
 restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2015/01/01>
Babel <3.9l> and hyphenation patterns for 79 languages loaded.

cp newfile4.tex /Users/stephan/Documents//newfile4.tex

BTW, you don’t need to save the document to get the updated .tex and .pdf 

The culprit is: you need to add the location of your script to LyX’s path 

HTH and regards,

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