Le 30/05/2016 20:57, Paul A. Rubin a écrit :
   left/right arrow move one character (where entering or exiting an inset,
such as going into/out of a subscript, counts as a "character" for movement
   ctrl-left/right jumps the adjacent "grouping", where "grouping" is the
subtree at the current node if we were to diagram the math inset as a tree;
   home/end jumps to the start or end of the entire inset;
   ctrl-home/end jumps to the start or end of the buffer (document).

Selection: shift+any navigation combination selects everything from the
current cursor position to where the unshifted key combination would take you.

As I wrote, this is not entirely possible.

I don't know if Guillaume's patch would fix this or not. Right now, there do
not seem to be any LyX functions (LFUNs) that relate to this notion of a
"grouping" or syntactic tree node.

My patch assigns the behaviour you describe for ctrl+arrows to word-* movement lfuns.

Internally (meaning in the C++ code),
something like that seems to exist from what Jean-Marc wrote.

Jean-Marc suggested to skip bigger chunks delimited by their category (reation, operator...). This would make sense for both ctrl+arrows and ctrl+shift+arrows. This does not exist yet and we can give it a try once Jean-Marc commits his patch that defines these categories, which I encourage him to do.

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