Den 21. mai 2016 13:41, skrev racoon:

I am trying to place two tables side by side so that their captions at the bottom align at the bottom. I tried several combinations of Content and Box alignment of minipages but failed. Using sub figures instead didn't help either.

Box alignment is a bit tricky, but this is doable:

1. Put a protected space (ctrl+space) after the captions for table 1 and table 2. This little trick make the box alignment settings work "as expected". 2. Open settings for each of the two minipages. Under "Alignment", change "Box" to "Bottom".

Step two causes the boxes to align by their bottoms, which again causes the tables to be lined up by their captions because in both cases, the caption is at the bottom of the box. This is nice and intuitive - unfortunately, step 1 is necessary to make it work. That is not so intuitive, but box alignment can often be made to work by tossing in a protected space at the start or at the end of the box.

Don't put the protected space inside the caption box. Use the cursor keys, and add the protected space just outside the caption box. LyX may decide to display it on the next line.

Helge Hafting

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