On 06/13/2016 08:58 AM, F M Salter wrote:
    In attempting to follow the biblatex instructions on the wiki, I
have run into two problems.  I would very much appreciate a helping hand.

    1.  Using the style authoryear produces the required "References"
section heading on the left.
         There is however on each reference page an extra centred
"/references/" page header for which I have no explanation.

        How might this be removed?

    2. This style introduces  "In:" after the title for both  journal
name and  book titles in the references.
        The editorial style calls for a "," between title and a journal
and for "in:" between title and book title.

        How might this be achieved?

Hi Frank,
How about \pagestyle{plain} (inside a TeX code inset, Ctrl+L), insert it just before your \printbibliography

And for the other issue, yes, style designers got something wrong and this "In:" is being inserted in many unnecessary places. Here's the solution:

In short, just add

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