On Wed, Sep 07, 2016 at 07:02:58PM +0300, Danko Georgiev wrote:
> Hello,
> I have just updated to the newest LyX 2.2.1. and immediately got a problem
> with automatic conversion of double dashes -- to en-dash in a manuscript
> written with Lyx 2.1. This en-dash replacement resulted in error message in
> index sorting when compiling PDF.
> When I found that en-dashes appeared in the manuscript, I replaced them
> again with double dashes (as this was the case in Lyx 2.1). But then the
> compiled PDF by Lyx 2.2.1 shows double dashes in the PDF instead of en-dash.
> I did not find an explanation of what is going on in internet, so decided to
> share this problem with the lyx users list
> Any advice how to restore the old Lyx behavior in version 2.2.1 would be
> appreciated.
> D. Georgiev

Hi Danko,

Can you please send a minimal example (to the list)? This will make it
easier to investigate.

Thanks for this report.


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