My first email had an attachment of a lyx file (perhaps it didn't go

Anyway, it's definitely a bug in TODO notes... I even think I found the bug
in the source at (see
my comment).

On Wed, Dec 7, 2016 at 6:43 PM, Richard Heck <> wrote:

> On 12/01/2016 11:14 AM, Cris Fuhrman wrote:
> I've recently noticed an odd behavior of TODO Notes in LyX 2.2.2. I
> enabled the fancyline option, and I saw I was getting two lines. Upon
> further debugging (using author= and size=\tiny), I can prove that it's
> actually generating two TODO notes at the same place. Here's a screen grab:
> [image: Inline image 1]
> I'm attaching the minimal example (used in LyX 2.2.2 under Windows 10). I
> updated my MikTeX yesterday to see if it would go away, but no luck. It's
> reproducible on BOTH my Windows 10 machines with LyX.
> I searched for todonotes modules (as I used it before prior to LyX 2.2
> before it was part of the distribution), but I couldn't find anything in my
> LyX path directories that looked like a duplicate. I'm not sure how this is
> happening.
> When I paste the LaTeX source from LyX (pasted below) into a TeXstudio
> document, it works perfectly, so I don't think it's my TeX installation.
> That's pretty strange. Can you post an example file?
> Richard

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