On 04/21/2017 05:13 PM, PhilipPirrip wrote:
On 04/21/2017 01:01 PM, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:
How to I create a local layout so that I can enter the LMP like I can
do with the Date in the Text window (instead of the Preamble)?

Adding to the previous answer: if there's no need to save the LMP in a variable (you'd need to define it as \newcommand\LMP[1]{#1} in the preamble), you'd probably want to use something like

InsetLayout "Flex:EDD"
      LyxType        custom
      LabelString   "EDD"
      LatexType      command
      LatexName      EDD
      PassThru       true
      CustomPars     false
      Decoration     Classic
      ContentAsLabel true

Then Insert>Custom Inset>EDD, and enter the date in the box


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