Am Mittwoch, 23. August 2017 um 11:42:08, schrieb Kornel Benko 
> Am Mittwoch, 23. August 2017 um 11:22:51, schrieb Helge Hafting 
> <>
> > I did a "git clone lyx23" in order to do translation 
> > work (and test in general).
> > 
> > This compiled & ran with no issues, but Help->About says LyX version 
> > 2.4.0dev instead of 2.3
> > 
> > Did I get the wrong version for translation work - or is it supposed to 
> > say 2.4.0?
> > 
> > Do I need some git command to switch to the 'right' development repository?
> > 
> > Helge Hafting
> You compiled master branch. Change to 2.3.x branch.
> In the source tree use

I mean in the cloned source tree

>       # git checkout 2.3.x

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