Am Samstag, 26. August 2017 um 10:31:49, schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann 
> > What worked for me: I started |tlmgr| in gui mode with
> >
> > |sudo env PATH="$PATH" tlmgr --gui |

That's the way it should work, if you install as root.

> > and then in the third menu chose the last item but one (in my German 
> > menu, that is menu "Aktionen" (actions?) and item "Verwaltung der 
> > symbolischen Links" (administration of symbolic links?). In the 
> > ensuing dialogue window I clicked the button "Symbolische Links 
> > erneuern" (renew symbolic links?). Now
> >
> > |sudo tlmgr --OPTIONS |
> >
> > works without problems. I'm sure there's also a command line way of 
> > doing this 
> >
> > -----------------------
> >
> > and another note:
> >
> > You really don't have to add the directory of |tlmgr| to the path. A 
> > simple quick solution is using |which|, e.g.:
> >
> > |sudo $(which tlmgr) update --list -------------------- |

It should be like the previous, you have to set PATH
        # sudo env PATH="$PATH" tlmgr update --list

> Both proposals are not working for me. In the first proposal the actions 
> menu is grayed out, in the second: update command not found
> Wolfgang

What I would suggest (if you are user engelmann) is:
        # cd /usr/local/texlive
        # sudo chown -R engelmann.engelmann .
But that is dangerous, if you are not alone on your system. It is up to you to 
If you do this, then from now on you should not use 'sudo' anymore in 
connection with texlive.


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