On 09/25/2017 02:22 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
On Mon, 25 Sep 2017, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

Try starting LyX from a terminal with the "-dbg graphics" flag, open and
view the document, and see if it spits up an error message.


  File's attached. In emacs the first reference to the image is line 459.
There are no errors (or Errors) in the file.
Around line 459 is, I believe, where LyX is trying to convert the image to something it can display in the LyX GUI (which ultimately succeeds).

Around line 498, LyX parks a copy in the temporary buffer and tries to convert it to EPS. Around line 505, you can see the \insertgraphics command for it (which I assume means LyX thinks the conversion was successful). Your guess is better than mine whether the bounding box is set correctly.
(I assume you've already checked the LaTeX log for signs of an implosion.)

  Don't know where the log file is to be found. It's not in /var/log/ or the
document directory.
Assuming you previewed the document in LyX, Document > LaTeX Log will open the log in a viewing window for you. The actual log file lives in the temporary buffer directory (/tmp/lyx_tmpdir.mmCXUkQ28141) in this case.


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