Le 20/12/2017 à 09:28, Serge Vouillarmet a écrit :
Dir Sir or Madam,

I already searched this problem in wiki and the documentations, but I couldn’t fix it.

Hello Serge,

For example before chapter the space has to be 40pt, after it 30pt, and then should be next the text.

I adjusted the stdlayout.inc file (TopSep, BottomSep), LyX interpreted it right, but in the pdf, there were no changes.

Indeed, the layout file mostly show on screen what the LaTeX class does.

Then I tried it with KOMA-Script:

\RedeclareSectionCommand[beforeskip=42pt, afterskip=30pt]{chapter}

I got an error, that \begin{document} is missing, then I tried several places in the document to put it in, but the error was still there.

Put this command in the preamble (in French Documents>Paramètres>Préambule LaTeX).


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