Am 12.02.2018 um 09:59 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:
Am Montag, den 12.02.2018, 09:44 +0100 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
I am trying to open an older lyx file (2016, not sure, which version
of lyx it was) with ~/lyx-2.3.0beta1$ src/lyx -dbg info
It won't export the pdf file, giving this:
File '/tmp/lyx_tmpdir.EZUiCirb6544/lyx_tmpbuf0/PBR-FINAL-n-B.tex' was
not closed properly
Can you send us the file (in PM if it is confidential)?

I used a small part of the book and used -to be on the safe side, Lyx 2.2.3 (17Mai2017).
I get errors, which seem to be due to



in the LaTex Preface.

which is nowadays replaced by \*itshape*

and warnings.

The *Preface is from Springer Publisher*

I am now trying longer parts of the book and see, whether I find the culprits.

(Thanks, Jürgen, I could send you the .arch file of the book, but its 1.3 MiB and thus an imposition)


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% author.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


% sample root file for your "contribution" to a contributed volume


% Use this file as a template for your own input.


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Springer %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

% RECOMMENDED %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

% choose options for [] as required from the list

% in the Reference Guide

% selects Times Roman as basic font

% selects Helvetica as sans-serif font

% selects Courier as typewriter font

\usepackage{type1cm}% activate if the above 3 fonts are

% not available on your system


%%\usepackage{makeidx}% allows index generation

% standard LaTeX graphics tool

% when including figure files

\usepackage{multicol}% used for the two-column index

\usepackage[bottom]{footmisc}% places footnotes at page bottom

% see the list of further useful packages

% in the Reference Guide

%%\makeindex % used for the subject index

% please use the style with

% your makeindex program




% probiere folgende Änderungen:

\setkomafont{sectioning}{\normalfont} % statt \ssfamily und \bfseries

\setkomafont{chapter}{\centering} % überschreibt Größenanweisung und setzt zentriert










% \usepackage[explicit]{titlesec}



















%% \usepackage[style=authoryear,natbib=true,backend=biber]{biblatex}





%%gibt den Namen des Verzeichnisses von nomencl aus

%%In meinem Fall "Symbolverzeichnis" da ich

%%\usepackage[german]{nomencl} verwende



% activate={true,nocompatibility} - activate protrusion and expansion

% final - enable microtype; use "draft" to disable

% tracking=true, kerning=true, spacing=true - activate these techniques

% factor=1100 - add 10% to the protrusion amount (default is 1000)

% stretch=10, shrink=10 - reduce stretchability/shrinkability (default

Attachment: PBR-FINAL-n-TEST-N1.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

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