On 15/03/2018 13:25, mike wrote:
On 15/03/2018 12:43, mike wrote:
On 15/03/2018 10:09, Ricardo Berlasso wrote:

2018-03-15 9:46 GMT+01:00 mike <mikere...@onetel.com <mailto:mikere...@onetel.com>>:

    On 15/03/2018 08:42, mike wrote:


        Can someone help me please?  I would like to bind a key
        combination to "command-alternatives in-ipa ; ipa-insert". 
        For the moment at least I want to stick to the default key
        bindings plus this one additional binding.  Again for the
        moment anyway how do I find out what the default key
        bindings are so that I don't reset a key binding that
        already exists?  Is there a way to do this in LyX itself
        rather than having to mess around with bind files?  I did
        try to work this out myself but couldn't figure it out.  FWI
        I use LyX on Win 7 Pro with 32 bit MiKTeX.

Keep in mind that I'm translating from Spanish and that I'm using a Linux system, so check everything!

On Tools → Settings → Edition → Keyboard shortcuts type "ipa" on the filter box and you'll find the ipa-insert command listed below: select it and click on Modify to assign a keyboard shortcut to it.


        Thanks very much in advance for any help


    Sorry I forgot to mention that if I can do it in LyX itself I'd
    like it to "stick" in the sense that if I close LyX and start it
    again I don't have to manually set the key binding.


Hi Ricardo

Thanks very much for your reply.  BTW I'm running LyX 2.2.3. Here's what I've come up with.

I have to do something slightly different namely

    Tools > Preferences > Editing > Shortcuts > Cursor, Mouse and Editing Functions > ipa-insert > Modify

The bind file is shown as cua in which there is no binding for ipa-insert.  (Someone please tell me if I'm wrong) so after I click on Modify I have to select New and then enter the binding.  So I enter C-x i and ipa-insert and it does indeed "stick" in the sense I described before.  I can close LyX and restart it and look at cua.bind and it's still there. (I do that in Emacs in case you're wondering.  The path on my machine is Program Files (x86) > LyX 2.2 > Resources > bind > cua.bind.)

However cua.bind cannot possibly be the default bind file because if I am in LyX and type C-x it says "command disabled" so I can't even do "cut".  I think I can figure out how to load the cua bindings but my concern is that it will reset some of the default bindings.  I also use LyX for math and logic and I don't want to lose those shortcuts.

Please compare to https://wiki.lyx.org/LyX/KeyboardShortcuts#StandardKeybindings where it says "You can use the script LyxBindings <https://wiki.lyx.org/Tools/LyxBindings> to generate your own documentats describing for your configuration of keyboard shortcuts. Some users experience the complete loss of every bindings after changes. In that case, a .bind file needs to be reselected in the menu (Tools/Preferences/Editing/Shortcuts/Browse). /The cua.bind file is the basic one./"

Any further help would be greatly appreciated.



So to summarize:


    Is cua.bind really the default?


    Why does C-x give "command disabled"?


    Will loading cua.bind blow away any pre-existing default LyX

Ok now I'm really confused.  LyX shows the C-x i binding but cua.bind doesn't.  But as least C-c works.  Have I messed up by defining C-x i when C-x means "cut".  In that case what prefix can I use (in Emacs terms) to define my own extended shortcuts?  But how can I have messed up when cua.bind only shows C-x and no other C-x plus something bindings?  At least there's a problem here between what LyX thinks the cua shortcuts are and what is actually in cua.bind.


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