I'm having a devil of a time trying to get spell check working with LyX 2.3.0 and Mac OS 10.13.4. I have similar configurations on two other computers, and the spell check does seem to work there. But on this one, whenever I issue Tools > Spellchecker..., LyX throws the error message, "Spell checker has no dictionaries." This happens with all 3 available Spellchecker engines:  Native, Aspell, and Hunspell.

Here are some things I've tried:

 * Install the latest version of LibreOffice, which relies on Hunspell.
   I thought reinstalling LO might fix issues with Hunspell, at least.
 * Reinstall Hunspell. Hunspell is supposedly included with recent
   versions of Mac OS, but I followed the OSX and macOS instructions on
   the Hunspell GitHub page <https://github.com/hunspell/hunspell> to
   (re)install Hunspell.
 * Downloaded and reinstalled the en_US.aff/dic files as recommended
   The original post is several years old, and one hopes any corruption
   in the dictionary file would have been corrected by now, but one
   never knows.
 * Test with each of the 3 spell checkers.

FWIW, this testing was done with:

 * LyX > Preferences > Language Settings > Spellchecker always set to
   activate "Spellcheck continuously" and "Spellcheck notes and comments."
 * LyX > Preferences > Language Settings > Spellchecker does not allow
   activation of "Accept compound words," as this option is grayed out.
 * LyX > Preferences > Paths > Hunspell dictionaries set to

A MWE is attached.

Please help me before I spell again!!!


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This is a spezxxxing error.


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