On Wed, May 16, 2018 at 02:26:35AM +0000, Robert Kern wrote:
> Dear lyx-users,
> I'm writing a book, and this evening I decided to export it to a .pdf file
> to check it out. I went to File->Export->PDF (pdflatex) and hit Enter. A few
> seconds later I received an error message which said,
> "! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [parameter stack size=10000].
> If you really absolutely need more capacity,
> you can ask a wizard to enlarge me."
> I'm running LyX on Linux and have plenty of memory and disk space, so I
> wondered where I could find a "wizard" to increase the Tex stack size. I
> went to www.lyx.org, but found nothing there, so I went to www.ctan.org and
> searched for "wizard" and "stack size."
> So, can anyone tell me how to increase the Tex stack size, or where I can
> find a "wizard" that can help me? Otherwise, I'm stuck with a three-quarter
> completed book which I can't complete using LyX.
> Thanks in advance,

Hi Robert,

Ouch, that sounds frustrating. Usually this message occurs not because
of lack of RAM or disk space, but because of an error in LaTeX code. Can
you create a minimal example that still generates the error? For more
info, see:


Do you have a previous version of your book that does compile? If the
differences are not too big, you might get a hint at what addition
caused the change. If you're not using version control, and you're
interested in more information, let us know. It is very helpful for
situations like this. And yes, unfortunately, a similar situation will
happen again in the future.

I hope that we can help figure this out!

Please respond to the list.



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