I realised that the problem appears when I am using the knitr module (but not 
always). I now found a workaround which is to have an empty master document 
which does not contain the knitr module — and which then contains the actual 
document with the knitr module via \input.

I still need to construct a simple example to make the error reproducible.

@Joel: I think I had also experienced the error in earlier LyX versions.

Best, Uwe

On 16. May 2018 at 16:12:24, Dr Eberhard Lisse (nos...@lisse.na) wrote:

I don't have any issues with subdirectories.  

Can it be that the names are generic? Try using myfigures and mytables  
or something like that and see if this changes things.  

And, in any case there is always perl -i -p -e 's+\_+/*g' *.lyx or  
similar :-)-O  


On 13/05/2018 22:55, Joel Kulesza wrote:  
> On Sun, May 13, 2018 at 9:37 AM, Uwe Thuemmel <accou...@uwethuemmel.com  
> <mailto:accou...@uwethuemmel.com>> wrote:  
> Dear fellow users,  
> I have figures (as pdf) and tables (as LyX child documents) in  
> subdirectories ./figures and ./tables. When I export from LyX  
> 2.3.0 on Mac to LaTeX (pdflatex), the relative paths to these  
> figures and tables are messed up. In particular, they are  
> replaced by absolute paths where ‘/‘ is replaced by ‘_'. For  
> example, a relative path /figures/figure1.pdf is replaced by  
> something like 1_users_user_project_project1_figures_figure1.pdf.  
> In addition, LyX places pdf files with these names as  
> 1_users_user_project_project1_figures_figure1.pdf in the same  
> directory as the main LyX file (but does not do so for the tables  
> contained in LyX child documents). As a result, the TeX file does  
> not compile correctly and I have to edit it by hand to adjust the  
> paths. I’d much rather see LyX keep the relative paths when  
> exporting to LaTeX. Sometimes this actually works - but I don’t  
> know why. Can anyone help?  
> Thank you,  
> Uwe  
> Uwe,  
> I experienced something that may be similar on Mac. Are you able to  
> test also with LyX 2.2.3? In my case, LyX 2.2.3 would behave how I  
> expect but not LyX 2.3.0.  
> Also, are you able to post a MWE  
> <https://wiki.lyx.org/FAQ/MinimalExample> that has the problem for  
> others to test with?  
> Thanks,  
> Joel  

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