Works too :-)-O

\bind "C-minus"                      "buffer-zoom-out"
\bind "C-plus"                       "buffer-zoom-in"
\bind "C-equal"                      "buffer-zoom-in"
\bind "C-0"                          "buffer-zoom"

I did notice that a mac.bind in my local directory containing only those
above 4 lines looses all other bindings and wonder should it not be that
the local one overwrites only those entries different from the main one?


On 2019-02-18 21:22 , Daniel wrote:
> On 2019-02-18 11:35, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:
>> I have put the following into
>> ~/Library/Application\ Support/LyX-2.3/bind/mac.bind
>> Format 4
>> \bind "C-minus"                      "buffer-zoom-out"
>> \bind "C-plus"                       "buffer-zoom-in"
>> \bind "C-equal"                      "buffer-zoom-in"
>> \bind "C-S-equal"                    "buffer-zoom"
>> Since on the US keyboard the + and = are on the same key I might not
>> need the C-plus line.  The C-S-equal does the trick for me.
>> No idea about other keyboards though.
>> greetings, el
> Can you confirm that the default combination for reset zoom is C-0 in
> Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. If so, I suggest to stick to that.
> Daniel

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