On 29.04.19 14:56, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

On 29.04.19 13:05, Pavel Sanda wrote:
On Mon, Apr 29, 2019 at 11:22:14AM +0200, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
Ok, most likely your distro still has version 6, not 7,
but why is it telling me:

imagemagick ist schon die neueste Version (8:
Because you have it already installed on your computer.
I meant your
Ok, most likely your distro still has version 6, not 7,

and my

imagemagick ist already the Version (8:
can you try: convert out.eps out.png
no luck:

convert out.eps out.png

convert: not authorized `out.eps' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/412.
convert: no images defined `out.png' @
Ok, we are finally nailing down what's actually going on, I think.
There has been security bugs in imagemagick last fall and as a first
defense measure some distros banned conversions from postscript,
while waiting for the proper fix inside imagemagick.

Now, you have either unupdated packages or Mint maintainers decided
to ban imagemagick forever (or they just forgot all about this,
maybe it's worth filling the bug report or query).
But why am I told by trying to install iM, that it is already the newest version
imagemagick ist already the Version (8: ? W
Now the workaround is to change file in which they ban the conversions,
that's usually something like file:

(or wherever you find policy.xml in /etc/ of your machine).

You probably find ban lines like:
<policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="PS" />
and you have to comment them on your own by adding
in front  and
beyond those "coder" lines.

Note that if you do this workaround and your distro still ships
vulnerable version of imagemagick you should not process through
it pdf/eps/xps files from people you don't trust...


I will see whether I can get the safe version already (I am on LMint).

Thanks, Paul, also for the workaround


I used from



*Eliminating all usage restrictions*

For desktop users not running a webserver, simply eliminating these restrictions might be good enough. To that aim, one may delete the file, but it is better practice to "move the file out" by renaming it. With this command, you are renaming the file. As a result, all policies are lifted, but you still can revert if needed:

|sudo mv /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xmlout|


|A lyx file containing a png graphic in a float is now shown, however a pdf graphic in the same file is not shown. I tried to find out the tools> converter stuff by comparing it with one of the help file of lyx, but can't find any difference.|


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