On 14-Jun-19 4:44 AM, Kyle Stevens wrote:

I tried asking this question on stackexchange and was more or less told to ask 
lyx support.

My issue is that in math mode symbols that used to be “normal” are now 
appearing weird such as all greek letters are now bold and he “-“ symbol 
appears as “lyxminus”. I have found that other people have had this problem and 
fixes have been offered, however these were all for linux or some system called 
mint, whereas I’m using the most recent version on windows 10.

I am of the understanding that this is some kind of font issue, however I’m at 
a loss at how to address it. I have attached a screenshot and a lyx file as an 
example of my problem.

Any help at all would be greatly appreciated!

I have minus as normal on my Windows and LyX 2.3.3

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