On Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 10:41 PM Baris Erkus wrote:

> On 12-Jul-19 2:21 AM, Brian Davis wrote:
> How is it possible to have 3 working versions of LyX/MikTex on three
> different computers (all Windows) and have them all break within a couple
> of weeks without doing anything (except allowing Windows Updates)?
> I have been receiving errors after latest windows updates on 3 different
> machines all were running successfully LyX and MikTex and stopped working
> out of the blue with the following type errors:
> The process latex icon bottom right just spins for minutes then:
> LyX: Stop command?
> The command pdflatex "test.txt" has not completed.
> Do you want to stop it?
> Stop it Let it run
> If Let it run:
> Does not matter which it will still fail either way.
> LyX: LaTeX failed:
> The external program
> pdflatex
> finished with an error. It is recommended you fix the cause of the
> external program's error (check the logs)
> And right about now I certainly wish LyX would make the error text boxes
> where the text can be copied an pasted into an email.... sigh.
> I currently upgraded to latest Lyx and MikTex and performed the typical
> LyX -> Reconfigure and restart Lyx only to still find Unavailable: Article
> (Standard Class) and still above errors as though LyX cannot find MikTex
> even though Tools->TeX Information finds .cls files in the MikTex 2.9
> directory in Program Files (x86)
> basic-miktex-2.9.7100-x64.exe
> LyX Version 2.3.3
> (Monday, June 10, 2019)
> Library directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\LyX 2.3\Resources\
> User directory: ~\AppData\Roaming\LyX2.3\
> Qt Version (run-time): 5.11.3
> Qt Version (compile-time): 5.11.3
> Anyone else experience this?
> It is super-awesome!
> I have latest version of Windows 10: 1903 and just yesterday there was a
> set of updates for 1903 itself. I have latest version of MikTeX, LaTex
> packages (updated just now) and LyX (2.3.3). LyX works just fine on my PC.
> If your problem is a matter of a missing package, I have to tell you that
> I have *full* install of LaTeX packages. I highly recommend to do that if
> you have enough space on your PC, since LyX uses many packages that you are
> now aware of. If they are not available in the current MikTeX installation,
> LyX will try to install them by itself. However, recent changes in the
> MikTeX setup (setup for a specific user and for the all users, allow on the
> fly installs or not and etc...) may cause issues installing these missing
> packages resulting LyX does not work properly. This happened to several of
> my students' LyX.
> Again, this is the case if you have missing packages. You problem may be
> very well related to another issue.
> --
> ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
> Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

So I found out it works on 1 of the three machines so 2 (on personal laptop
and other advisors laptop - you can imagine my frustration there) of 3 are
not working after having been working which I find very odd.  I am trying
to determine why it works on the one and not the other 2.

Ah yes the missing package... Lets just say I NEVER allow MikTex to Ask...
and ask... and ask and ask again and again and again for missing packages
as it becomes a full time job just to click the install button.  Not sure
why this is a "feature"  of MikTex.   So MikTex has free range to install
what it wants on the 1TB SSD primary disk.  Data I keep on the other 1TB
Mech disk so its got plenty of space.  Do you know if there is a disk hog
check box in MikTex or install world setting?

It does almost seem like LyX either cannot talk to MikTex, MikTex is
missing something like article class (never seen this before) and some
basics, or just runs off in the forest and times out after getting lost.
Where does LyX go and why does it need to be stooped or let it run (off in
the forest).  I am all for free range so if LyX wants to run... I let
it.... be free ... be free LyX.  sigh.

I checked MikTex for article class and it is found in:

C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\base\article.cls

Why would article.cls be in MikTex, but LyX reports "Unavailable: Article
(Standard Class)" in Document->Settings after repeated "Reconfigure" and
restarts of LyX?

Is there a way to start verifying what LyX can see.  I have looked at TeX
information and article.cls does not appear there even after
Tools->Reconfigure and restart LyX.  Should it.  Be nice if the TeX
Information was searchable not that I mind paging through 4 pgs of cls
files... programmers do know about search boxes these days right?  I would
settle for a lyx file generation like Help->LaTeX Configuration which I can
then search.  Or maybe a diagnostics lyx file showing all the broken bits.
Like maybe it could say... I (LyX) have tried to contact MikText N times
for 4 hrs in the forrest, but he's not on speaking terms while calling
command "cmd with flags here" (so as like some schmuck could try it at the
command line) or track down what's going on.  Is there a rolling log file I
can tail?

Could it have something to do with the MikTex New Console and the Admin
mode switcheroo gibberish.  Why is there a non admin mode? It's as useful
as a push donkey cart.

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