On 7/17/2019 7:00 AM, Kees Zeelenberg wrote:
Op 14-07-19 om 19:20 schreef Richard Kimberly Heck:
On 7/14/19 12:26 PM, Brian Davis wrote:

without more information. But contrary to what someone said here, MikTeX
has an annoying habit of updating itself in the background and breaking
things. We've seen it time and time again. The list archives are full of
such problems.

I have been using MikTeX for over 15 years (with LyX for over 10 years), and have never experienced such an automatic update that some have ascribed to it. To make sure, I have checked on the MikTeX issue tracker, with the following outcome. A user can configure MikTeX to install on the fly LaTeX-packages that are required by his/her document. But MikTeX does never update automatically its executables or packages that have previously been installed; this has to be done manually through the MikTeX console. (https://github.com/MiKTeX/miktex/issues/342#issuecomment-512218341)

In the past LyX was available in a bundle with MikTeX. During install, the LyX-installer did update MikTeX; so it was not MikTeX, but the LyX-installer that did the update, and caused problems.

Any reason to think this could be Windows updates not allowing programs to reach into other programs such as from some Lyx in C:\Program Files (x86) and MikTeX in C:\Program Files but does when run in administrator mode (note x86 and not x86 dirs)?

There has got to be some sort of permissions problem, not imagined as I certainly don't think I could make it as a science fiction writer, though with computers and AI these days my computer(s) could be forming a mind(s) of their own.  I also do not think I am part of some conspiracy as at least one other has experienced similar and I had no prior contact with that person unless on some ethereal plane in a dream state that I am unable to remember after waking.  There also could be the case that I have been the victim of a post 70's era remote viewing scenario conjured up by the CIA where others then report my experience on the user forum.  I have thought if I could only master this remote viewing skill I could then cancel my Netfix subscription, but that is an aside.  I am also not a robot, bot,  or part of a Russian troll farm. Though my entrance to the forum did not require reCAPTCHA verification only email verify so I cannot be certain I am not a robot.  Surly any or all these could be true, but what might be more likely:  I am just a pedantic  Biomedical Engineering student working and living in the land of cheese (Wisconsin) trying to get LyX to generate my Thesis and experiencing, while strange, a very real software issue.  Maybe it is time for me to make a YouTube vid on this experience.  Then I might get fake news or deep fake or other type of fakery.

I have experienced different behavior when running the application

1) Win 10 Enterprise (earlier versions of LyX and MikTeX as reported earlier

    a) run as administrator application will generate a pdf of my thesis

    b) Shows article.cls as available

    c) Enterprise is remaining in half (baked) working mode. Sees article.cls as available and can generate a pdf, but cannot generate thesis unless in admin mode (I literally just verified this)

2) Win 10 Pro

    a) run as administrator will generate article.cls

    b) showed article.cls as unavailable until run as administrator then it shows as available (with out "unavailable: " preceding it in Document->Settings

    c) Literately changed its behavior (possibly due to Dell or Windows update) within a day or days (2) to then working (it's current state) showing article.cls as available and generating the pdf without having to use Administrator mode.  I did not reinstall, update, or modify LyX or MikTeX in any way during this event.  Though I believe I may have installed a Dell update and possibly Windows updates.

    d) I have not tried to the the win 10 pro box to generate my Thesis as it requires addition of files in MikTex and LyX dirs.  I am curious to install my files to see if I can generate and whether or not I have to enter admin mode to do it.  Could there be a chance that the files I install require admin privileges? Sure, but this does not explain the article.cls issue.

Odd, strange, not normal... yes, but not impossible or even improbable it is happening.

Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results - Einstein

Einstein obviously never used a computer.  Updates, patches, fixes, rolling modifications, BIOS and boot roms, firmware updates... we can be doing literally  the same things (steps) when using the software, but quite literally the system is changing out from underneath us.  I expect different results it's only a matter of time.  I had an argument with a fellow software engineer regarding building software is like building, as building it can be designed and implemented cleanly,  he argued and I have come to agree with the reality that building software is like building a sand castle as the waves keep crashing causing pieces to fall into the sea in while an impetuous child barks orders (changing requirements) on how to build it often changing goals on each new wave.

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