On 9/11/19 3:23 PM, Rudi Gaelzer wrote:
> I have a beta version ready for a module for entering pseudocode
> listings (using the algorithmicx LaTeX package). Besides the module
> itself (pseudocode.module), there's a documentation file (pseucode.lyx)
> with some minimal instructions and examples. It's now on GitHub at
> https://github.com/prubin73/algpseudocode.
> If anyone wants to try it out, please feel free to post questions here
> or add suggestions/bug reports to the issue tracker for the project.

Dear Paul.
I just installed you module in LyX as per instructed. Thank you for your
Glad someone is finding some use for it.

I may have some questions about it as I'm testing it.
No problem. I may be able to answer them (but no guarantees). :-)
A first question is: does your module support the \algstore and \algrestore commands?  I have some algorithms that I'd like to break through different
Yes, through ERT. Here's a LyX file that implements the example in the algorithmicx manual. Any LaTeX commands defined in the algpseudocode package should, at least in theory, work by inserting them with ERT. I did not create a custom inset for them, although it would probably not be hard to do.


Attachment: break_test.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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