On 5/5/20 8:36 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Am 05.05.20 um 13:05 schrieb UD Kap:
I have a Lyx/Beamer presentation which compiles just fine. However, when I return to it a day later, I get numerous errors "cannot determine the size of the graphics..".  It seems that the connections to the images that are not in the same directory as the Lyx presentation are lost, and I have to click on the image place-holder in the Lyx file, navigate to the correct place in the directory where the image files are stored, and click OK.  For the remainder of that editing session, everything works fine, but when I return a day or two later, I have to do it all over again.

       What am I doing wrong?  The images that are in the same directory where the Lyx file is are fine, but the others are elsewhere.  Since some of them I use often, I don't want to keep copies of them for every presentation I prepare.  How do I make the paths to the other directories remembered across editing sessions?


E. Kaplan

What if you put your lyx file into the folder where your graphic is?
What is the path of your graphics?

Kornel-- I always start the lyx file from the directory where the file is (I simply click on the lyx file in the file manager).

Pavel-- All the image files are on my disk-- none of them are on a network drive or cloud.

Wolfgang-- As I said in my post, some of the image files are in the same directory as the lyx file.  Lyx finds those without a problem.  The problem arises only with image files that are in other directories.  The path to those directories is what is forgotten between editing sessions (or perhaps reboot).

   BTW- I am running Lyx on Linux/Mint/XFCE 19.3, but I have the same problem running under Windows 10.

   Thanks for trying to help.

E. Kaplan

Ehud Kaplan, Ph.D.
     Visiting Professor
     Dept. of Philosophy & History of Science
     Charles University, Prague
     the National Institute of Mental Health,
     Topolová 748, Klecany
     Jules and Doris Stein Research to Prevent Blindness Professor
     Director, Center of Excellence for Computational & System Neuroscience,
     The Friedman Brain Institute, MSSM
     Director, The laboratory of Visual & Computational Neuroscience
     Depts. of Neuroscience, Ophthalmology, Chemical & Structural Biology
     Icahn school of medicine at Mount Sinai
     One Gustave Levy Place
     New York, NY, 10029

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