Am Tue, 5 May 2020 12:23:50 -0400
schrieb "Paul A. Rubin" <>:

> On 5/5/20 12:11 PM, Kornel Benko wrote:
> > Am Tue, 5 May 2020 11:42:34 -0400
> > schrieb UD Kap <>:
> >  
> >> Kornel-- I always start the lyx file from the directory where the file is 
> >> (I simply
> >> click on the lyx file in the file manager).  
> >
> > Interesting. Mine file-manager does _not_ start lyx so that the working 
> > directory
> > would change with the .lyx-file position.
> >
> >     Kornel
> >  
> I'm using LyX on Mint (similar setup to Ehud, although I'm using 
> Mint 18.3 rather than 19.3 and MATE rather than XFCE), and I confirm 
> that when I start LyX by double-clicking a .lyx file, the LyX working 
> directory is the directory where the file lives. I can't reproduce the 
> problem with graphics paths, though. When I insert a graphic from 
> outside the working directory, LyX records the absolute path in the .lyx 
> file.
> Paul

OK, so my previous question about stored image-paths, is still pending.

>> Could you check, if the correct (absolute) path is stored in the lyx-file?


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