Thank you Paul for your help and for your time reading me.
I keep your solution while waiting for something better.
I would prefer, as you understood, to change the part written in preamble… 


----- Mail original -----

| On 11/12/20 7:29 AM, wrote:

| | Hello,

| | The pdf shows the alignment issue which I cannot resolve. I tried
| | to
| | understand the doc of the enumitem package but how to say... Not
| | very easy...

| | As you can see the label of the first item, in second level
| | enumerate, is shifted to the right ...

| | I attach a mwe in lyx as well as the generated tex.

| | Here are the lines entered in the preamble:

| | \setlist[enumerate]{font=\bfseries}
| | \setlist[enumerate,1]{label=\textbf{\emph{Q\,\arabic*.}}, %
| | labelwidth=30pt, align=left, labelsep*=2pt, leftmargin=0pt, %
| | labelindent=0pt, itemindent=!, listparindent=0pt}
| | \setlist[enumerate,2]{label=\emph{\alph*)}, %
| | labelwidth=10pt, align=left, labelsep*=2pt,leftmargin=30pt,%
| | labelindent=30pt, itemindent=!, listparindent=0pt}

| | Thanks for your help.

| | Didier.

| I don't know the correct way to do this, but the attached hack seems
| to get the job done. The vertical spacing adjustment (-17pt), which
| brings the first item of the inner list onto the same line as the
| outer list label, was done by trial and error and may not line up
| perfectly. There likely is a better way to get the correct value,
| but it is (way) beyond my LaTeX skills.

| Paul

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