
"Only a year" means a lot in computer terms, and not only coma script
has been updated significantly in the meantime.

Secondly, that was actually not a minimal working example.

An MWE reduces ALL additional choices to the defaults, empties out the
preamble, one line by one and removes all additional commands until the
only remaining text and commands (re)produce the error.

Often that makes one see the problem before even asking for help.

However, it appears that you totally unnecessarily (in my not so humble
view) add several lines to the preamble.

The fonts can be chosen in LyX, as can the Clear Page command (where you
had a typo (\cleardoublepddpage)) and the default page style which when
chosen from the pull down translates, as Herbert pointed out absolutely
correctly, to 'plain'.

I hate ERT but haven't figured out yet how to (re)move the page
numbering changes (into the preamble).

Please find enclosed.

I myself like the NoTo fonts, but if I was using something like
Palatino I would use the (free) TexGyre fonts (I think Pagella is the

greetings, el

On 2021-10-09 22:42 , Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Sat, 9 Oct 2021, Dr Eberhard W Lisse wrote:
>> you need to figure out a way of updating KOMA Script to the latest
>> version (the versions coming with the linux distributions are years
>> behind).
> EL,
> Installed here are
> texlive-2020.200608-x86_64-2_SBo
> texlive-extra-2020.200608-x86_64-1_SBo
> These are only a year behind the current release.
>> And if that doesn't work you need to post a MWE here, and I mean
>> MINIMAL :-)-O
> See attached.  What puzzles me is that pdflatex produces output but
> also shows errors.  And there are no page numbers.  Sigh.
> Thanks,
> Rich
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\begin_layout Title
This is a report

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Prepared for:
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Regulatory Agency

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\begin_layout Plain Layout




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\begin_layout Section

\begin_layout Standard
I need to be able to compile this report with pdflatex and have the pages

\begin_layout Standard
It will compile, despite showing an error, but there are no page numbers.

\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Newpage newpage


\begin_layout Standard
Here's more jibberish.

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