Am Mon, 10 Jan 2022 10:56:23 +0100
schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users <>:

> On 08.01.22 16:46, Tobias Hilbricht via lyx-users wrote:
> > Wolfgang,
> > 
> > what I referred to is called the "Popup menu", "Blue menu" is
> > misleading, sorry. How to get it:
> > 
> > Tools -> Settings -> Edit -> Autocompletion, set "Automatic popup" and
> > Autocompletion in math mode true.
> > 
> > When done typing \ce in math mode spit out all commands beginning with
> > \ce, in my configuration \ce, \cent and \centerdot.
> > 
> > Yours
> > Tobias  
> Tobias,
> do you use lyx under Linux?
> I have Debian
> and tools >Preferences > Editing > input Completion
> and here I can choose
> In Text >automatic inline completion or Automatic popup
> In Math > same and additionally Autocorrection
> General probably irrelevant (delays...)
> Which one for the \ce?
> Wolfgang

Math. The mail from Tobias clearly describes it too.
 "Tools -> Settings -> Edit -> Autocompletion, set "Automatic popup" and
 Autocompletion in math mode true."
Would have been nice, if you first try :(


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