On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 08:10:30AM +0200, Stephan Witt wrote:
> >> Now you have to install Python yourself. You may download it from 
> >> python.org (https://www.python.org/downloads/macos/). Alternatively you 
> >> may run python in a terminal window and choose to install it from Apple. I 
> >> recommend the first option.
> > 
> > Not sure if I understand it correctly - any up to date mac system won't run 
> > lyx (or rather its pythonic parts) anymore?
> > If this is the case we should add some info directly to 
> > https://www.lyx.org/Download ?
> Yes, that would be appropriate. 

We should probably do that, I don't understand the details to write it on my 
own though.

> At the time macOS 12 (Monterey) came out I verified the presence of python. 
> It was there and had version 2.7.18. While the installation of macOS update 
> to 12.3 the python installation will be removed.
> Apple provides python3 but it is not preinstalled anymore. There is only a 
> stub executable asking for download and installation of it:
> On reconfigure LyX checks for a usable python and triggers the popup window 
> with the opportunity to install python3. If the user responds with 
> ???Install??? and the download and install succeeds LyX has to be restarted 
> and is usable after reconfigure.
> I didn???t try yet how it goes if an existing LyX installation looses the 
> python executable. I want to try that next. But all these experiments are 
> time consuming as I have to do them in virtual machines.

I have mac with 12.1 on my desk, which I avoid touching. It has some older 
version of LyX with both python 2 & 3 installed as I just checked.
Is there something I can do for you?

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