On 5/20/22 18:32, Rich Shepard wrote:
Attempting to compile a document using pdflatex halts with an error
referencing a verbatim@ environment. Since I've not explicitly used that
environment, and a search of the .lyx file doesn't find that word present, I wonder why it suddenly decided to show up each time I use the chord, C-x h.

Regardless, when I close the error window and repeat C-x h pdflatex happily
compiles the file.

Has anyone a thought about why the error would appear if the environment
'verbatim' can't be found in the .lyx file?


After the initial compilation attempt, you can open the generated .tex file (lurking in the buffer directory) in a text editor and search for any mention of verbatim. It could be that some module or funky document element is using it. If there's more than one occurrence, the location of the error in the document log window might help narrow down which one triggered the error.


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