On 5/23/22 13:54, Rich Shepard wrote:
On Fri, 20 May 2022, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

After the initial compilation attempt, you can open the generated .tex
file (lurking in the buffer directory) in a text editor and search for any
mention of verbatim. It could be that some module or funky document
element is using it. If there's more than one occurrence, the location of
the error in the document log window might help narrow down which one
triggered the error.


I wonder if the SARS-COV-2 virus infected this document. Here's the preamble
as shown in Documents -> Settings -> Preamble:
\lehead{Biological Evaluation}
\rohead{Biological Evaluation}
\refoot{Applied Ecosystem Services, LLC}
\lofoot{Applied Ecosystem Services, LLC}

And this is the preamble in /tmp/lyx_tmpdir.oskNDlV31096/lyx_tmpbuf1:
\documentclass[twoside,headsepline=on, footsepline=on]{scrreprt}


I do not see any reference to the verbatim package in any settings dialog

How do I remove an invisible package?


From some long forgotten sci-fi movie, I think you fill the document with a fine powder, shake, and hope it sticks to the invisible package (?).

I created an empty document with the contents of your preamble and didn't get any references to verbatim. Does your document contain code listings or other funky elements that might automagically trigger a load of the verbatim package? You may need to apply bisection to find out the culprit.


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