On Fri, Feb 24, 2023 at 10:42:54AM -0600, Chris Menzel wrote:
> Sure thing! I note that I have already received one report of a successful
> 2.3.7 compile and install based on these steps. :-)
> Install basic QT5 stuff
> $ sudo apt install qtbase5-dev qtchooser qt5-qmake qtbase5-dev-tools
> Then, to avoid "unable to compile simple QT binary??? error, the following:
> $ sudo apt install pkg-config libqt5x11extras5-dev libqt5svg5-dev libice-dev
> I was also missing libmagic-dev on my Dell XPS installation:
> $ sudo apt install libmagic-dev

The universial debian command for getting all necessary components for 
does not work in ubuntu?

apt build-dep lyx

> Finally, I ran configure with the follow spec for QTDIR:
> $ ./configure --with-qt-dir=/usr/share/qt5
> Then it???s just a matter of:
> $ make
> $ sudo make install

Note that you might want to install LyX only locally to your user
directory and not to mess up with your base system in /usr (because
this might backfire later if you want to upgrade your distro).

You can do that by adding --prefix in configure (e.g. something like 
--prefix=/home/user/lyx/ where user is your login; the installed files
together with executable will be find in ~/lyx/).

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