On 4/13/24 12:31, Andreas Plihal via lyx-users wrote:
Dear Herbert,
I think you are responding to an email from me that is already out of date. Meanwhile I sent another file WME_Index.lyx, which uses the text processor texindy. Jürgen recommended it to me. Unfortunately that didn't work either. I can't find the xindex processor you mentioned in my selection list. Instead I find xindy. Did you perhaps mean that? It doesn't work with xindy either. Even if, as you suggested, I use makeindex as the processor and enter the option "-s german.ist" (Jürgen commented that he cannot find german.ist on his computer), the index is not displayed.

I have sometimes had trouble with the index not displaying the first time I export a file. If I change something trivial (add a space at the end of a paragraph, say) and re-export, then it appears.

One way to try to debug this would be to export the file to LaTeX and run everything manually. Or just launch LyX from a terminal, and watch the output when you export. Either should give you more information.


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