* John Bland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010823 20:30]:
> Hi,
>    I'm just trying to do some documentation in LyX using the DocBook
> layout style and I'm finding a few things which are making life difficult.
> Firstly, is there a way to make text appear in a different font, eg
> emphasised or typewriter styles in LyX just end up as normal text in
> ps/pdf or docbook-html output.

Probably a missing translation of these attributes.

The best thing to do if you want this fixed in the next version is to
hunt the DocBook commands to do what is needed and to post them for
whatever feature we are missing from DocBook.

We (the developers) can probably do that too, but for most of the time
we are using LaTeX and not DocBook and so we rely on our users to help
us detect and fix such problems.

> Secondly, and more importantly, is graphics inclusion. It's proving to be
> a major pita.

I'm working on a new version and would be glad for all info you can
provide on the constructs to use to get graphics in DocBook.

As said above, it would be a great help if you could take each of this
problems and tell me what DocBook code needs to be generated, the
current state for graphics in DocBook is pretty lame.

> Also, the DTD is for version 3.01 of DocBook which is now deprecated
> afaik. Are these things fixed in the cvs version (which is offline from
> here at least)?

I believe the new graphics code will do 4.0, but I'm not completely
sure, it's been a while since I checked the DocBook texts to know what
to output.

Baruch Even

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