I tried to install a new font today... here is where I got: I put all the 
tfm, vf, and fd files in the appropriate directories, catted the pnb.map file 
to the psfonts.map file, and ran texconfig. From LyX, I am able to do a 

\newfont{\rmbasker}{pnbr8t at 12pt} 

to ge the font I want. With this, I am able to View-Postscript and I see the 
correct font. However, -only- gv shows the font: xdvi has to substitute, and 
any .ps made from a dvi has to substitute. Moreover, using 


gives me a substitution everywhere, even in gv. 

So clearly I have done something right, but most everything else I have done 
wrong. Where do I start?

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