On Tue, 29 Jan 2002, Crlfr wrote:

>Hans, B.L. (1963). Quality control: Theory and Applications. Prentice-Hall,
>Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
>....and so on...
>So no label is present beside each item.
>I have to be able to refer to those item in the article , as Bass (1966) and
>as Hans (1963) respectively.

It might be best just to write "References" (or whatever word you use) and
mark it as "Section*" style, for example. Ie. you wouldn't use LyX/LaTeX
bibliography style at all.

>reach my purpose, How can I insert the { and } for the latex command in the
>window opened by accessing the menu layout->Latex preamble? Is it possible

By pressing the keys that produce { or } characters. On my keyboard,
AltGr+7 or AltGr+0.

>that I need such parenthesis {} also in the main document for inserting some

The same for main document, but then you have also mark them as TeX style
(they'll show up as red).

>For example how can I insert there  /usepackage[bla,bla]{bla,bla} ?

You write that exactly as it is (and use \ instead of /, by the way).
Nothing more is necessary for preamble, for main document you also need
to select the command (eg. paint it as cyan with mouse) and press the TeX
button in the tool bar (again with mouse).

>3) I then have to introduce a biographical footnote. But I suppose, for

I don't know, but try reading
maybe you can find help there.

>4) When I insert the title and the author name it is automatically added
>also the date. I don't want it. How can I delete it?

Press Ctrl-Space which will produce an blue empty space, and set its style
as "Date" from the tool bar.

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