
I have a lyx file which I can open in lyx, and view, print etc.

The file in question is a lyx file I have put together for a quote
template for our lab, and it includes an eps file which displays in a
footnote at the botteom of the quote.

If I copy this file to the lyx templates directory, and then call it
up from the "New from temp[lates" menu option, it complains it can't
determine the size of the graphic (as this is an eps file, I'm
guessing that it can't determine the size because ut can't find the

If I save the file and do a diff with my original, the only differences are this:

< file ../../lib/text/lhead/ukas-testing-WoB-SMTL-top-lhs.eps
> file /home/lib/text/lhead/ukas-testing-WoB-SMTL-top-lhs.eps

If I open the template file directly from the main menu, I can view it.

It seems to me that during the template process, something is mangling
the path to a relative instead of absolute pathname.  Should it do
this, or is it a bug ?


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