On Sun, May 05, 2002 at 10:00:26AM +0300, Amir Seginer wrote:

> - When searching (using find) and pressing forward, LyX actually 
> scrolled through the file although it didn't find anything. I prefer 
> the way it worked before, where LyX simply jumped to the proper place if 


>       searching backward not implemented in mathed

It means what it says.

> - My mouse-wheel doesn't work within dialogs (but it does work in the 
> main window) and I have to use the scroll-bar. This was also a problem 
> in previous versions.

xforms bug, not ours.

> - When I installed lyx-1.2.0pre4 and afterwards installed Aiksaurus I 
> didn't find how to make the thesaurus work. When I installed 
> lyx-1.2.0pre5, then the thesaurus worked. From looking at older mails I 
> have the feeling that if one wants the thesaurus to work it has to be 
> there before compiling LyX. As a user this isn't very convenient, in 
> case I want to add the thesaurus later. At least one should know before 
> installing that the thesaurus is needed first.

Uhh ? It's like any other library, the compile has to find it. We can't
magically detect it's suddenly appeared and recompile ourselves for it !

(A plugin architecture is a long way off)


"Mathemeticians stand on each other's shoulders while computer scientists
 stand on each other's toes."
        - Richard Hamming

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