Jacek Stolarczyk wrote:

> When I try to insert a EPS image (created with GIMP) I only get a black
> frame with message "Error converting to loadable format" and a file name.
> TeX output looks good, so does PostScript output so it miust be some kind
> of display problem. Actually help files show the same behaviour (with that
> Mobius image). I tried to insert a tif pixcture, but the result was the
> same.
> How can I display properly images in LyX? The final output is OK, so the
> problem is not critical, but with lots of images it's difficult to handle.
> LyX-1.2.0, self compiled, Linux RedHat-6.2 (with lots of updates)

start LyX from commandline with
lyx -dbg graphics

and have a look at the output when you insert an image



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