rab wrote:
> >Try to play with
> >
> >lyx -dbg
> >
> >(redirect stderr to file as the amount of information produced is
> >massive)
> >
> >and tell us whay you find
> LyXFunc::Dispatch: action[157] arg[]
> The file "/home/chippy/.aspell.english.pws" is not in the proper format.
> Ispell read timed out, what now?
> Entering Menubar::Pimpl::set for menu `main'
> The file .aspell.english.pw doesn't appear to actually exist.

I do not use aspell myself, but have you tried to use spelling
LaTeX document directly in xterm?


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138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
Science is meaningless because it gives no answer to our
question, the only question important to us: ``What shall we do
and how shall we live?''
    -- Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

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