Herbert - the title I meant was the title or heading for each slide..
(so it comes under the "Slide" or "Slide*" environment in

Thanks Dekel for the code.. works great! I used the first option so that
I can control the vertical spacing since some of the slide
titles/headings are single lines and others have two lines.. 


> If you use my modified pdfscreen, then the definition of the slide
> command is:
> \def\slideheading#1{%
> \vspace{-0.7in}%
> \color{\headingcolor}%
> \begin{center}\large\bfseries #1\end{center}\vspace{0.5in}%
> \color{\bodycolor}%
> }
> So just add your font command before the #1.
> Another option is to use the following:
> \let\oldslideheading=\slideheading
> \renewcommand{\slideheading}[1]{\oldslideheading{<font command>#1}}

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