I am using the Xfree86 on a windows platform, and I have tried getting the x-server to accept a danish keyboard file, but nothing happens.

Cygwin is installed in C.\cygwin, the keyboard file (called xmodmap.dk) is placed in C:\cygwin\etc\X11, and in my lyxprofile I have added the command

xmodmap /etc/X11/xmodmap.dk 



Place xmodmap.dk in a folder named xmodmap in the cygwin directory i.e.  C:\cygwin\xmodmap\xmodmap.dk


Then add the command


xmodmap   /xmodmap/xmodmap.dk 


to the startlyx.bat as below, here I’m using NT:-


REM Windows NT/2000

echo startlyx.bat - Starting LyX on Windows NT/2000

REM Startup the X Server as a window.

start XWin -screen 0 1018 745

REM Startup LYX (using the wrapper program)

run lyxwin32.exe -geometry 1018x725+0+0 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5

REM Startup the twm window manager.

run twm


xmodmap   /xmodmap/xmodmap.dk



Rob S






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