On Thu, 6 Feb 2003, Dan Strychalski wrote:

> There is a way to configure LyX to scroll only one line, but it has some
> quirks:
> 1. The line the cursor is on is first jerked to mid-screen, except when
>    at the top or bottom of the file. (The jerking to mid-screen is
>    actually a great aid in finding LyX's easy-to-lose text cursor.)

Precisely! When editing long documents, keeping track of cursor is
non-trivial and I depend on lyX ^L (emacs key-bindings) to find it. A nice
black blob (or green or any color that contrasts with both background and
letters)  would be much easier on the eyes (and nerves). (I can always
find the emacs cursor. On the rare occasion, I edit raw files with emacs
for just that reason. --This clearly courts more intense forms of pain
than searching for a buried cursor.)

I don't find a preferences option to change cursor behavior and at the
moment, In 1.2.3, lyxcursor.C (and lyxcursor.h) don't obviously control
cursor shape, color and mode (blink, constant) -- but my language of
choice is not C++ so I may be missing it.

A configurable cursor would be ideal. More complete documentation of the
lyxcursor files (as already noted in existing comments) would be helpful.
Help about code to change to get the desired cursor would be welcome.

Thank you.

Mark Hansel
PO Box 41
Minnesota State University Moorhead
Moorhead, MN 56563
Ph: 218-236-2039 fax: 218-236-2593

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