On Fri, 7 Feb 2003, the wise Marco Beishuizen spoke, and said:

> Hi,
> I downloaded and tried to install LyX-1.3.0 on a DEC/Alpha Personal
> Workstation, running FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE. I used the standard xforms
> toolkit.
> While compiling it exits with tons of messages like this:
> ...
> xformsimage.o(.text+0x4918): undefined reference to 'flimage_enable_tiff'
> *** Error code 1
> ...
> LyX-1.2.3 runs fine on this machine.
> Is this a Xforms problem or a LyX problem?
> Thanks,
> Marco

I also tried to compile it on an Intel PIII/450 with FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE.
It exits with the same error messages.

Is there anyone that succesfully compiled LyX-1.3.0 on FreeBSD?


"Thirty days hath Septober,
April, June, and no wonder.
all the rest have peanut butter
except my father who wears red suspenders."

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