
I really enjoy LyX 1.3.0 for Qt/RH8.0, but I have problem to spell
iso8859-2 encoded documents -- namely Czech. I have the following stuff in
my ~./lyx/preferences

# SPELLCHECKER SECTION ##############################

\accept_compound true
\use_escape_chars true
\escape_chars "áčďéěíňóřšťúůžÁČĎÉĚÍŇÓŘŠŤÚŮŽ"
\use_personal_dictionary true
\personal_dictionary "/home/.../personal_dict_cs.ispell"
\use_input_encoding true

Long time ago, I found out, that spellchecker works properly only when
the pop-up encoding is set to iso8859-2. Though there's no option in
1.3.0/Qt to set the pop-up encoding from GUI. The fonts section in my
~/.lyx/preferences looks like this

# SCREEN & FONTS SECTION ############################

\popup_font_encoding "iso8859-2"
\screen_dpi 100
\screen_zoom 135
\wheel_jump 1
\cursor_follows_scrollbar true
\dialogs_iconify_with_main true
\screen_font_roman "Nimbus Roman No9 l"
\screen_font_sans "Nimbus Sans l"
\screen_font_typewriter "Courier New"
\screen_font_scalable false
\screen_font_encoding "iso8859-2"

and it seems that LyX doesn't worry about that. The spellchecker behaves
as the option \escape_chars "..." was not set. Moreover the characters
in the spellchecker window (GUI) seem not to appear in iso8859-2
encoding -- the characters with diacritic marks are displayed as the
question marks <?>. I've also checked the font options in my KDE
settings, but found nuthin' to fix the problem. I have set all the
locales to <C> or <en_US> except the LC_CTYPE=cs_CZ. 

Does anyone know how to resolve this problem?


   KAMIL ;-{

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