On Tue, Mar 18, 2003 at 11:52:36PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> 1) Why doesn't format-doc-fonts work? I set to helvitica and it stays with
> Times. But helv is not lacking on my system and format character works. Is
> this broken? ... not implemented yet? For a certain type of doc I want all
> helv as default.

The name is misleading.
If you want a sans-serif default font, put
in the preamble.

> 2) Is there a way to get my same footer and header on page 1 as all the
> other pages? The '1' pagenumber on the first page is useless. I want
> the same header and footer on the first page for this certain type of doc.

The first page has a "special" headings. To change them using fancyhdr,
  <some \fancyfoot commands>

> 3) I need to have the part, section, subsection and subsubsection styles
> centered. Can I do this? I can find a style that will do this that is
> otherwise like article or articleAMS.


> 4) Is it possible to have 2 headers in the same doc? I want the centered
> one that I use plus left and right title/pagenumber combinations. They
> don't have to be on the same line as the centered header.

Yes. Read fancyhdr documentation.

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