Matej Cepl wrote:
On 2003-07-04, 13:40 GMT, Eduardo Haro wrote:

I'm beginning to use LYX, and I've got a problem with the spell checker,
for a document in french. The thing is that, when LYX begins the spell
checking, it alwais breakes the words in the accents (for example, for
the word "problme", it checks "probl" and "me", but never recognises
the whole word).

This is actually a very old bug in LyX, which unfortunately still did
not get fixed. Let's hope ... :-)

I'm not sure it's actually a LyX true bug, but more of a subtle confusion. In Lyx, it's possible to have accented characters be generated as Latex sequences (\'{e}) or as directly accented letters (é). I've seen the problem mentioned by the OP if I use the first option, but if I use accented letters directly, it goes away.

I can't quite recall what I did to make sure I got é instead of \'{e} in the .tex sources, though. It was long ago, and whatever preference I set seems to have survived from my 0.10 install through today.

The nice thing about this is that it also makes the resulting .tex sources much nicer to read.




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