On 2003-07-09, 16:20 GMT, John Levon wrote:
> Can latex accept utf8 (or whatever) encoded source files ? Or woould we
> need a pass to export such accented characters ?

There are two attempts to make TeX behave with UTF-8 (aside from Omega,
which IMHO still not fully mature):

- LaTeX3 development team created support for UTF-8 for inputenc,
- Petr Ol\v{s}\'ak (yes, he is my fellow Czech) extended his encTeX to
  UTF-8 (i.e., it is support for UTF-8 on the level of input/output
  processor of TeX, so everything works as it should). His webpage is
  petr.olsak.net/enctex.html (previous version -- w/o UTF-8 -- was
  described in his article for Tugboat, which should be available on
  www.tex.org and if I am not mistaken also on

However, both of these attempts are very bleeding edge of development.
encTeX should be part of the next web2c (promise made in February and
AFAIK there is still not new release), and I am not quite sure whether
UTF-8 support for inputenc made it to new LaTeX yet. So I am afraid, we
cannot much rely on it.

   Have a nice day,


Matej Cepl,
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138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488

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