On Tuesday 30 September 2003 01:15, Kent Kostuk wrote:
> When I was working on my thesis, I would save my Excel files as
> a .csv file and then open them with gnumeric.  I would create an
> empty table in Lyx and then cut and paste.
> Toby Allen wrote:
> > I am currently working my arse off trying to get my
> > Chemistry honours thesis written and I am wondering
> > what the best way is to get tabulated data from excel
> > into my Lyx Document.
> >
> > Also what is the best way to get pictures from
> > existing pdf documents? With power point etc I can
> > just select the picture in Acrobat and then paste in
> > but this does not work with Lyx.
Open excel files in GNUmeric then copy 'n paste selected cells into 
a LyX tabular. The LyX tabular needs to have enough rows and 
Due to my experience there is no need to use csv files. Importing 
excel files directly to GNUmeric 1.2.0 will give the chance to 
keep excel functions working even in GNUmeric.


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